Yosef: Check this IG page https://www.instagram.com/jam_and_germs/
Emily: Lat/Lon film: https://player.bfi.org.uk/free/film/watch-day-and-night-latitude-and-longitude-1936-online
Daniel: had an mrt scan and the experience was interesting
Jochem: ‘Onder het maaiveld’ docu/movie
Justin: watched a lgbtq film in London
Building a grid by recreating the rules of a game of your choice
More scpecifically: rules that consider the neighbours
How can we build a grid with rules if let’s say chess has its own rules since cellular automata has its own rules too? How do we combine them?
Prathiba - Daniel, your grid is similar to Indian game called Pachisihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pachisi
‘A brief history of cellular automata’ by P. Sarkar
| 2D cellular automata
Embodied like games or activities:
Like egocentric vs allocentric -https://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mkozhevnlab/?page_id=308
Forest fires w emojis -https://ncase.me/sim/
Website with plenty of materialshttps://quinapalus.com/
Video games as cellular automata
Try and make an animation - coding with the rules on a grid