
Week 2 Tuesday

Justin Manley

I created a 2D 4-state CA using tiles with curved and crossing paths from a pathmaking game.

This shows the CA running with a handcrafted update rule of \~10 clauses intended to promote entanglement and long loops. After a few steps, the CA settles into a steady-state with a small amount of oscillation. This set of rules supports period-2 and period-3 oscillators:


I also ran the CA with an update rule containing 80,000 unique random mappings on the 9-cell neighborhood. Under this ruleset, the CA took longer to settle in to a steady state:

Future work:

Cindy Wang

Video wouldn’t upload so here’s the link to my notion page 

Chechi Amah

Cave-Like Structures Using Cellular Automata Animation 

For Reference: Cellular Automata Method for Generating Random Cave-Like Levels

Instructions: Click to regenerate animation 

Project Link

Saga Barros

I made an Unity project where a character (a wolf in this case) can walk along the cells. When he steps on one, the cells around it change based in some conditions.

Future work:

Daniel Grosse

I tried to create a flow from the inside of the cross to the outside. The reference is a board game Halma which exists in a version with a cross shaped game area.

Alberto Cuteri

I continued with a simple set of rules for movement and sum of colours, while playing with cardboard.

Emily Fuhrman

I have still not completed my homework as I am continuing to debug the sandbox I built using Processing. But here is a GIF of the work in progress:
