Week 2 Tuesday
Justin Manley
I created a 2D 4-state CA using tiles with curved and crossing paths from a pathmaking game.
This shows the CA running with a handcrafted update rule of \~10 clauses intended to promote entanglement and long loops. After a few steps, the CA settles into a steady-state with a small amount of oscillation. This set of rules supports period-2 and period-3 oscillators:
I also ran the CA with an update rule containing 80,000 unique random mappings on the 9-cell neighborhood. Under this ruleset, the CA took longer to settle in to a steady state:
Future work:
- Experiment with different rules to see if it is possible to find a simple rule with interesting behavior. There are 24^10 = 21,000,000 different update rules, which is more than the number of atoms in the observable universe, so it is not possible to exhaustively search the rulespace. Instead, exploration will have to be directed by taste and intuition.
- Study the kinds of loop and knot structures which emerge over time, and how the global entanglement structure changes over time
- Color the strands so it is easier to distinguish which arcs and lines belong to the same strand vs. different strands (i.e. global entanglement structure)
Cindy Wang
Video wouldn’t upload so here’s the link to my notion page
Chechi Amah
Cave-Like Structures Using Cellular Automata Animation
For Reference: Cellular Automata Method for Generating Random Cave-Like Levels
Instructions: Click to regenerate animation
Project Link
Saga Barros
I made an Unity project where a character (a wolf in this case) can walk along the cells. When he steps on one, the cells around it change based in some conditions.
Future work:
- Resolve the collision detection (its a bit broken)
- Add different colors (4 to 5)
- Experiment with different sets of rules (I didnt quite like the ones I made so far)
Daniel Grosse
I tried to create a flow from the inside of the cross to the outside. The reference is a board game Halma which exists in a version with a cross shaped game area.
Alberto Cuteri
I continued with a simple set of rules for movement and sum of colours, while playing with cardboard.
Emily Fuhrman
I have still not completed my homework as I am continuing to debug the sandbox I built using Processing. But here is a GIF of the work in progress: