Risograph stop motion animation
Notes from Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams
Color Code
ColorCode "E" Test
Quick P5.js Sketches
Testing out some grids of multiple CAs from the same ruleset. I tried to add a CA to tiles in a leaflet tile map.
Color Code: H letter generator (spawn with purple “2” color)
==“These elements interlock with each other through dislocation, and it is only at the end that the pattern achieves a stability which both confirms and belies the dynamic process to which it has been carried out.”==
– Lévi-Strauss, Tristes Tropiques
(though I found the quote in Difference & Repetition by Deleuze)
Colorcode, building city.
Color Mixer (with ColorCode)
An attempt to make a not so binary looking 2D cellular automaton where different colors will get mixed together to form new colors.
A Couple Ideas:
Here’s a unity implementation of Conway’s Game of Life
(letter “R”)
I had a hard time understanding that rules were not activated if there was not a center tile.
I also spent some time learning about the automapping rules of the open-source tile painting program Tiled. -> https://doc.mapeditor.org/en/stable/manual/automapping/
Tiled works with layers in a project, rather than frames in an animation, but I have a project in progress that plays Tiled layes as animation frames. I had some success but it wasn’t as nice and immediate as colorcode, so one of my goals is to make a tool like colorcode that lets me experiment with CA rules and play them immediately, using my patterned tile images rather than color blocks. Here’s the tool I am going to try to adapt to be more like colorcode- https://github.com/wysiwyggins/grotto-paint
Failed miserably to do color coding so I switched to 2D Cellular automata
Check this article about grids! This ine was so helpful https://www.redblobgames.com/grids/hexagons/implementation.html
I used some hexagon grids and made stars inside a cell. Found this cool oscillator in it! On my way to make a constellations CA
ECA with letters!
Link to five-second stop motion animation video (trying to implement the rules I made up)