
Saga Barros

From Tucumán, Argentina.

I like to work and play with a lot of different mediums and tools. I work mainly has a videogame developer (producing, programming, designing) but I have a background in filmmaking and scriptwriting.

I currently direct LudaLab: a group that sometimes works as a gamedev studio and sometimes as an art collective.

I also love to work with communities, building cultural events, workshops and politics with the scenes of my city and my country :)

When im not working I cook a lot, go out dancing and also go out to the wilderness (not as much as I’d like anyways).

What brought you here? Where are you going after?

I wanted to participate in a SFPC course for a while now. The connection between logic and creative thinking has always been important to me. Also because its like an artificial thing to separate them I think.

Im gonna be using what I learned these past weeks for future projects (in the very near future) in my practices: mainly electronic art and videogame development.

Something you would want to have happened differently? How would you want it to have happened?

I loved the way the workshop went on. Maybe doing some collective homework would have been something nice? Actually some people I think proposed that in the discord. I did’nt have time sadly to get along.

Something you would want to do again or more? What made you feel like that?

I loved the CA we made on the first class. I dont get as much handcraft work is i would like to on my everyday life (most of the things I do end up involving a computer and a keyboard, except cooking).

Also on the first year of the pandemic I got involved in a couple digital art workshops and meetings online where we had similar activities and I loved that. Its ironic that I get into virtual meetings to do that…

What was your worst and best memory of each week?

A lot of nice stuff…the first class exercise, the microscope trip, hearing about everyone’s experiences also.

Maybe I didnt like that moment in the 4th class where I had to leave early :v

Would you share a moment that you felt lost and one that you felt creative?

Everytime I had to make an exercise or homework I felt creative for moments. Like when I found out the many ways you can trick the CA making it with cardboard (bending the strips, changing their direction); or everytime I changed some rules on my Unity project and thing were different in an interesting way.

I felt a little lost when starting programming exercises, since I did’nt know previously how to program it at first.

Do you feel you have made a new connection? With people, subject, practice, idea, etc... Have you deconstructed one?

I think a lot of my creative search has to do with the connections between digital tools and nature (3D printing with clay for example). So having a new tool (lens) to interpret the world (nature, human, microscopic, macroscopic) has broaden my horizons.

Did you see any peer work or works that caught your attention?

Actually yes. Like most of them. Fabio’s processing and P5 sketches, Hayley’s knitting, Jochem’s drawings. But also be able to watch and hear them on the process is the most interesting aspect of it all.
